agua dulce agua dulce town council agua dulce town council


Hauled Water Costs can be Reimbursed!
Oct 15th, 2024
Rural Water Supply Reliability Program There's still time to apply to receive reimbursement for hauled water costs for private wells or to receive a storage tank. The deadline to submit the application for the first round of funding is December 31st 2024. read more

2025 Meeting Format
Dec 12th, 2024
In an effort to be most inclusive with meeting participation, the Council will continue with virtual meetings and have an in-person/hybrid meeting twice a year. Virtual meetings will be via Zoom in Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Oct, and Nov. The in-person/hybrid meetings will be April and September and the location will be the Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce. The Council is dark in August for summer break. The December meeting is usually a non-business meeting/holiday celebration and is in person only at the Agua Dulce Women’s Club. Based on public participation at meetings, we may revisit and amend this schedule and format. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The Administrative Meeting starts at 6:30 P.M. The Community Meeting begins at 7:00 P.M. Both meetings are open to the public. 72 hours prior to the meeting, agendas are posted on our website and at Sweetwater Farms Community Bulletin Board at 33301 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce. All Council decisions are made in public during meetings. We invite you to attend and participate in the meetings. read more

CERT Training starts in Agua Dulce October 15, 2024
Oct 1st, 2024
CERT Training starts in Agua Dulce October 15, 2024 CERT Training in Agua Dulce! Community Emergency Response Team training starts Tuesday, October 15, 2024. You will most likely have to take care of yourself, your family, and your neighbors after an earthquake or other emergency. Do you know what to do? Learn from the experts on how to prepare and respond in the event of a major disaster. Classes will be Tuesdays from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Agua Dulce Women's Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd, Agua Dulce read more

view all updates

The Agua Dulce Town Council welcomes you.

The Agua Dulce Town Council is a California nonprofit organization and exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Council relies on donations for its nominal operating expenses.

To send a donation to the Agua Dulce Town Council, send a check or money order made out to the Agua Dulce Town Council and send it to Agua Dulce Town Council, 33201 Agua Dulce Town Council, Box 8, Agua Dulce, CA 91390

Agua Dulce (Spanish for "sweet water") is an unincorporated community in Los Angeles County, California, nestled in the Sierra Pelona Valley, 44 miles north of Los Angeles, and just north of Santa Clarita. It has an elevation of 2526 feet (770 m), a geographic area of approximately 25 square miles (65 km), and a population of about 4,000.

This is the official site of its Town Council.

2025 Meeting Format:

In an effort to be more inclusive with meeting participation, the Council will continue with virtual meetings and have an in-person/hybrid meeting twice a year.  Virtual meetings will be via Zoom in Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Oct, and Nov. The in-person/hybrid meetings will be in April and September and the location will be the Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce.  The Council is dark in August for summer break.  The December meeting is usually a non-business meeting/holiday celebration and is in person only at the Agua Dulce Women’s Club.  Based on public participation at meetings, we may revisit and amend this schedule and format.  Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month.  The Administrative Meeting starts at 6:30 P.M.  The Community Meeting begins at 7:00 P.M.  Both meetings are open to the public.  72 hours prior to the meeting, agendas are posted on our website and at Sweetwater Farms Community Bulletin Board at 33301 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce.  All Council decisions are made in public during meetings.  We invite you to attend and participate in the meetings.  

Next Meeting:  VIRTUAL via ZOOM

The regular meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.  The February 12, 2025 meeting format will be conducted via ZOOM.  The Administrative portion of the meeting starts at 6:30 PM with the General Community meeting beginning at 7:00 PM.  Both meetings are open to the public.  

The agenda will be posted (as soon as it is available) on our "Agenda and Minutes" as "Next Meeting Agenda."  Please attend this meeting and be informed about important community matters.

ZOOM Meeting Details

Amateur Radio Technician License Class

The Acton Agua Dulce Amateur Radio Club will be conducting a Technician License class that will prepare you to take and pass the FCC written test for your own Technician License. Classes are held at the Acton Agua Dulce Library, 33792 Crown Valley Rd, Acton, CA 93510, from 6 PM to 8:30 PM.

Class Schedule:

  • January 21, 2025
  • January 28, 2025
  • February 4, 2025
  • February 11, 2025
  • February 18, 2025
  • Exam is on February 25, 2025

For more details and to sign up for the class, click HERE

Rural Water Supply Reliability Program

There's still time to apply to receive reimbursement for hauled water costs for private wells or to receive a storage tank. The deadline to submit the application for the first round of funding is December 31st 2024.

Purpose of Rural Water Supply Reliability Program:

Provide reimbursement to residents of Acton and Agua Dulce for money spent on hauled water from 10/2023-9/2024.

The RWSR program anticipates reimbursing an estimated 85 residents at an average of $2,400 for hauled water costs.

APPLICATION DUE 12/31/24: Rural Water Supply Reliability Participant Application Form:

How this program came to be:

Rural Water Supply Reliability (RWSR): Through the CA Department of Water Resources (DWR) WaterTalks program, it was identified that private wells were running dry in the unincorporated communities of Acton/Agua Dulce. Since this concern was elevated, TreePeople secured $500,000 in funding through DWR's Urban Multi-benefit and Drought Relief Program (UMDR). In this initiative, TreePeople will focus on serving private well owners in Acton and Agua Dulce who are experiencing dry wells or reduced well production. RWSR seeks to identify ways to support short-term water needs and identify long term solutions for water supply reliability.

Where does the funding for the program come from?

DWR's Urban Multi-benefit and Drought Relief Program (UMDR).

*Applicant eligibility could be both residential properties with wells, and those owned and/or run by non-governmental, non-profit entities (i.e. private schools, clubs etc. in Acton/Agua Dulce).

Please reach out to Amanda Begley with any questions.
CERT Training starts in Agua Dulce October 15, 2024

CERT Training in Agua Dulce! Community Emergency Response Team training starts Tuesday, October 15, 2024. You will most likely have to take care of yourself, your family, and your neighbors after an earthquake or other emergency. Do you know what to do? Learn from the experts on how to prepare and respond in the event of a major disaster.

Classes will be Tuesdays from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Agua Dulce Women's Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd, Agua Dulce

Click HERE to download the flyer

Click HERE to register. Be sure to create an account, then hit the RSVP button for the Agua Dulce Training under Events. 


To register send an email to: Use "Agua Dulce CERT Class" in the Subject line.  Include your first and last name. 

Click HERE for age requirements

This just in from the Agua Dulce Town Council Election Committee:

No Election will be held for the ADTC on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

At the July 10th, 2024 ADTC meeting, incumbents Mary Johnson, Candy Clemente, Kathryn Segura and Cliff Grimes, declared the intent to run for ADTC Election.  The applications were filed in a timely manner and all applicants qualified to fill the four seats on the Council.  No other candidates applied.

The Agua Dulce Town Council Bylaws state: “if eligible, verified candidates are unopposed or there is less than a full slate of candidates: those eligible verified candidates shall be elected by acclamation and an Election will not be held.”

The 4 Town Council members will be sworn in at the December 9, 2024 Agua Dulce Town Council meeting that will be held at the Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce, CA.

The Election Committee wishes to extend our congratulation and best to all of the incumbents.

The Agua Dulce Town Council Election Committee members.

Warm regards;

Rosie Heffley, Committee Chair

Trish Brewer, Committee Vice Chair

The latest from Public Works:  Local Road Maintenance Projects


  • Agua Dulce Canyon Rd (SR-14 to Soledad Canyon Road):  Project Schedule:  September 16, 2024 - September 27, 2024.  Working hours:  7:00 AM to 4:30 PM


  • Agua Dulce Canyon Rd (Escondido Canyon Rd to Castlehaven):  Summer 2025
  • Sierra Highway (Center St to Agua Dulce Canyon Rd):  Spring 2025


This virtual meeting will be only to discuss submitting comments on the North County Sold Waste Collection Services Project Draft Environmental Report (DEIR)

Comments on the DEIR are due by 5 PM on Thursday, September 5, 2024.  That deadline is prior to our regular meeting of September 11th.  Please attend this important special meeting to make sure your concerns about how your waste will be collected are heard.  Currently Agua Dulce residents are under the Open Market system contracting directly with the waste hauler.  The proposed project will be administered by LA County Department of Public Works with a Trash Franchise program.

Scroll down for details on the program

Meeting Agenda

Zoom Meeting Details

The North County Sold Waste Collection Services Draft EIR is Available for Comment (Formerly known as GDD-Garbage Disposal District)

Proposed Project:  The proposed project would implement organic waste collection and diversion services and expand recycling services in the project area.  If the project is approved, Public Works would issue a revised solicitation for waste hauler to provide services to the Acton/Agua Dulce area.  Under the proposed franchise contracts, selected waste haulers would provide source-separated collection of three waste streams (refuse, recuyclables, and organic waste including manure) for all residential and commercial customers.  The selected waste haulers would also provide illegal dumping pickup services with the public right of way and bulky item pickup upon request.  This project would support the County's compliance with statewide targets set forth in Senate Bill (SB) 1383 pertaining to the diversion of organic waste from landfills. This project will affect ALL residents in Agua Dulce!  Be informed!

Project Website:  For all previous and current documents, go to:

  • For Notice of Availability, click HERE
  • For Draft EIR Document, click HERE
  • For Public Meeting Details, click HERE
  • For PowerPoint from Meetings, click HERE

Public Review Period:  The 45-day public review period for the Draft EIR began on Juyly 18, 2024 and will conclude on September 5, 2024.  All comments must be received by 5 PM on Thursday, September 5, 2024.  Written comments must be submitted via USPS to:  County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Attn: Krystle K. Jafari, P.E.,  P.O. Box 1460, Alhambra, CA 91802-1460 or via e-mail at:  



Date: August 21, 2024
Time: 5 p.m. (meeting will end after the last public commenter)
Location: Acton Agua Dulce Library, 33792 Crown Valley Road, Acton, CA 93510

Virtual Public Meeting

Date: August 17, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. (meeting will end after the last public commenter)
Location: Register online for the ZOOM meeting using the following link. (Note: registration can be completed prior to or during the meeting, and each attendee is encouraged to complete their own registration.)

The meeting can also be accessed via telephone by dialing: 1 (669) 900-6833

Webinar ID: 883 0594 3693  Information regarding the public meetings, including the ZOOM meeting registration link and telephone call-in information for
the virtual public meeting, is also available on the Project website:

An electronic copy of the Draft EIR and this Notice of Availability are available on the Project website:


November 5, 2024 Election Day for Agua Dulce Town Council

The nominating period is now open. 4 seats will be open - the Council Members whose terms are ending in December of 2024 are Candy Clemente, Cliff Grimes, Mary Johnson, and Kathryn Segura.  All four incumbents have declared their intent to apply for re-election. 

Polling place is the Agua Dulce Women's Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce, CA.  Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

Click HERE for Notice of Election

Click HERE for Candidate Application: Candidate Applications due September 21, 2024

Click HERE for Absentee Ballot Application:  Must be received by the ADTC Election Committee by October 22, 2024


Flood Risk: Protect Your Home!

It’s important to know how to help protect your home against the impacts of
flooding. For more information about flood risk and protective measures, visit
the Los Angeles County Public Works National Flood Insurance Program and County Floodways website.
To learn how the National Flood Insurance Program can reduce the socio-economic impact of flooding
and how to apply, visit


On June 27, 2024 The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) Board of Directors approved the final environmental document for the 38-mile segment between Palmdale and Burbank. The approval of the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) is the last environmental clearance between downtown San Francisco and downtown Los Angeles.

The Board approved the SR14A Alternative, which runs partly along State Route 14 and is approximately 38 miles long. It will be a grade-separated, high-speed rail-only system. Trains will be underground through the community of Acton and much of the Angeles National Forest and the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.

The Final EIR/EIS and associated documents are available online at:   For more details on the entire High Speed Rail Project, visit their website at:

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs)

Interested in finding out more details on the potential Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) slated for ?  Click HERE to go to Acton Takes Action Community Task Force website.

SB 552:  Drought Planning for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities

SB 552 includes new responsibilities and requirements at both the state and local levels to help small water suppliers and rural communities reduce their risk of inadequate water supply during a water shortage event.  The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California State Water Resources Control Board prepared a document to summarize the roles, responsibilities, and requirements for state agencies, small water suppliers and schools, and counties for implementing SB 552. Click HERE to download that document.  For details on SB-552 from California Department of Water Resources, click HERE.

California High Speed Rail Update:  Palmdale to Burbank

DEIR Released September 2, 2022

***Public Comment Period Extended to December 1, 2022***

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announces the availability of the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Draft Enviornmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS). The Authority has prepared a project-level (Tier 2) Draft EIR/EIS that examines the Palmdale to Burbank section.  This 31-38 mile project section would provide HSR service between the Plamdale Station and the Burbank Airport Station. 

This draft EIR/EIS evaluates the impacts and benefits of a No Project Alternative and six Build Alternatives connecting the 2 stations.  The Authority's Preferred Alternative is the SR14A Build Alternative.  The SR14A Alternative avoids Una Lake and will be underground through the community of Acton, and within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) and the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. 

For specific information on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Overview with links to Videos, Documents, and Interactive Maps click HERE.

Direct Link to the Interactive map showing all affected property.  Just put in your address

For details on the project Click HERE and then click on the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and scroll down for all the different documents. 

Click HERE to download the Notice of Availability/Notice of Public Hearing

The comment period begins on September 2, 2022 and has been extended to December 1, 2022.  Comments must be received electronically or postmarked on or before 5:00 PM on December 1, 2022. During the comment period, written comments may be submitted in the following ways:

  • By mail to Attn: Palmdale to Burbank Draft EIR/EIS Comment, California HighSpeed Rail Authority, 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90071;
  • Through the Authority website (;
  • By email to with the subject line Palmdale to Burbank Draft EIR/EIS Comment;
  • Verbal comment on the direct phone line for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section at (800) 630-1039; and
  • Oral testimony at the online Public Hearing to be held on October 18, 2022, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The Authority will hold an Online Open House on October 6, 2022 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM

The Authority will hold and Online Public Hearing on October 18, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Please check the Authority website ( for more information, including up-to-date information ont he planned Open House and Public Hearing and how to access them. 

Please visit the Events Page for more information about upcoming public virtual community meetings.

Agua Dulce Residential Project, RTG Investments, formerly known as the Coussoulis Development, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 50385

This is a large scale project on 908 acres located northwesterly of Valley Sage Road, between Sierra Highway and the Antelope Valley Freeway, SR 14, in the Agua Dulce area.

Documents and information related to the project

Documents related to the Waste Discharge Requirements ordered by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board on February 10, 2022

***Gardens of Paradise:  LA County Board of Supervisors Upholds Denial of Conditional Use Permit***

At their meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the LA County Board of Supervisors upheld the Regional Planning Commission's denial of the Conditional Use Permit due to inactivity.  We thank the Board for reviewing the substantial evidence to support the denial.  As we understand the process going forward, in 12 months, the applicant can reapply for a Conditional Use Permit.  The current zoning of A-1-2 and the fact that the property is within a Significant Ecological Area will be considered.  Thank you to everyone who has been part of the process. 

Conditional Use Permit No. 201200163 was filed to authorize a special event center and related uses at 32222 Agua Dulce Canyon Road in Agua Dulce.  On July 21, 2021, the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission reviewed an appeal of the Hearing Officer's denial for inactivity of the CUP, and denied the applicant's appeal and affirmed the Hearing Officer's decision.  Subsequently, the applicant appealed the Commmission's decision to the Board of Supervisors.

Click HERE to view the letter the Agua Dulce Town Council sent 7/18/2022 to Supervisor Barger

Click HERE to view the Board letter from Regional Planning

Click HERE to view the Public Comment/Correspondence

For details about the project click HERE.

Click HERE to see Site Plan submitted 3/9/2021

Click HERE to see Project Description submitted 2/17/2021

June 10, 2022:  This just in from LA County Department of Public Works:  Initial Study/Negative Declaration:  Acton, Agua Dulce, and Antelope Valley Garbage Disposal District or Residential Franchise Contracts

June 10, 2022: A "recirculated Negative Declaration is being circulated for a 30-day public review starting June 10, 2022 and ending July 9, 2022. 

To view the Recirculated Notice of Intent click HERE.

To view or download the Recirculated Initial Study/Negative Declaration, click HERE.

Click HERE to get more information on the proposed program.

There will be a virtual Zoom meeting hosted by Dept of Public Works to explain the proposal and to take public comments on Thursday, June 30, 2022.  Town Council members will be in attendance and will submit written public comments based on community input at the meeting.  This will affect all Agua Dulce residents.  Please attend to you understand the requirements this program is proposing. 

LA County Public Works is proposing the creation and operation of new Garbage Disposal District or Residential Franchises (GDDs/RFs) and associated waste hauling contracts for Acton and Agua Dulce.  Under the proposed GDD/RF contracts, selected waste hauler would provide source-separated curbside collection service of refuse, recyclales, and organic waste.  Manure collection, bulky items pickup, and illegal dumping pickups would also be provided.  Establishment of GDDs require voter approval; as such if GDDs are not established, RFs would be established for residential areas and the existing commercial franchise would remain in place for commercial customers. 

To view the Notice of Intent click HERE. This has been recirculated.  See above.

To view or download the Initial Study/Negative Declaration, click HERE.  This has been recirculated.  See above.


Through Measure W, the Safe Clean Water Program provides local, dedicated funding to increase LA County's local water supply, improve water quality, and enhance communities.  Agua Dulce is located within the Santa Clara River Watershed Area.  The watershed area drains west into Ventura County, where it eventually empties into the Pacific Ocean. The main watercourse through this watershed area is the Santa Clara River, which originates in the San Gabriel Mountains. Municipalities that fall within the boundaries of this Watershed Area are Los Angeles County and Santa Clarita.

The Santa Clara River Watershed Area is estimated to receive up to $6 million annually to fund regional projects and programs.

Regional Program funds for the Watershed Area are programmed by the Watershed Area Steering Committee  comprised of local stakeholders from agencies, municipalities, and community members from within the Watershed Area. The Steering Committee meets regularly to develop funding plans and recommendations to provide water quality, water supply, and community enhancement benefits to the region.  Click HERE to see a video recording the latest Santa Clara River Watershed Area Steering Committee meeting.  Use this password: UfQm9qKJ

Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Notice of Public Hearing to Issue a Waste Discharge Requirements to RTG Investments, LLC for the Agua Dulce Residential Development Project (File No 20-105) February 10, 2022, 9:00 AM.  Please refer to the Los Angeles Water Board website for the agenda for the meeting which will include the information on registering and attending the meeting.  Approximately 1 week prior to the meeting, go to the following link to register Click HERE. Oral comments will be accepted at the public hearing.  Written comments must be received by January 21, 2021 at 5:00 PM. Send via USPS to Los Angeles Regional Water Control Board, Attn:  401 Unit, 320 /west 4th St, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013.  Send via email to  Indicate in the subject line, “Comment Letter-Agua Dulce Residential Development Project.  Send in a Microsoft Word format. Questions:  contact Celine Gallon at (213) 576-6784 or via email at


Via the Internet with your browser on your computer, tablet, or smart phone

  • You do not need to sign up for Zoom or sign in to a Zoom account in order to  join a meeting
  • The easiest way to join a meeting is by clicking on the link that says “Join Zoom Meeting provided in the invitation or listed on the website
  • Once you click on the link, your internet browser will open up on the Zoom website
  • You may be asked for the Meeting ID number that the host will provide

Via Zoom app on your tablet or smart phone

  • Go to your app store
  • Search for Zoom and download the app
  • Open the app and create an account
  • Click Join A Meeting
  • Enter the Meeting ID and click Join

Via Phone Call in Only

  • Dial the in-country number provided in the invitation or listed on the website
  • You will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID number
  • If the meeting has not already started, press # to wait for the host to let you in to the meeting
  • You may be prompted to enter the meeting passcode, followed by the # key.  This passcode is included in the invitation or listed on the website.
  • *6 will mute and unmute your voice
  • *9 raises your hand to speak

Zoom Tool Bar

  • The MUTE button looks like a microphone.  Its best if you mute yourself and only have the microphone on when you are speaking.
  • The VIDEO button looks like a video camera.  Turn on the Video so others in the meeting can see you.  If you turn your Video button off, your video disappears and there is a blank square with your name.
  • If you want to speak, there is a RAISE HAND button.  On the tool bar, click on the Participants then look for the Raise Hand icon on the far right.  The host will see that you want to speak and call on you.  Your hand will remain raised until you clear it by clicking on Lower Hand.
  • You can change the video layout with the top right hand VIEW button.  You can choose the active speaker or gallery mode.

Adjustment of Boundary of Santa Clarita Valley and Antelope Valley Plans to include all of Agua Dulce Community Standards District within the SCV Plan.

LA County Board of Supervisors:  Notice of Public Hearing: April 24, 2018, 9:30 AM, Room 381B, Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple St, Los Angeles.

Project no. R2017003368-(5) Advance Planning Case no. RPPL2017005805-(5) Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan Maintenance Project.

Adjustment of boundary of SCV and AV Plans to include all of the Agua Dulce CSD in the SCV lan.  Project materials available at:

Click HERE to connect to Los Angeles County Code Agua Dulce Community Standards District


March 4, 2014: In effort to keep Agua Dulce rural and equestrian-friendly, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a revision to Agua Dulce's Community Standards District, part of the countys Title 22 - Planning and Zoning of the Los Angeles County Code. 

Being part of Los Angeles County, a gigantic, urban, metropolitan county, Community Standards Districts allow small communities like Agua Dulce to establish their own development standards and set of regulations that protect and preserve their unique community characteristics.  The revised standards approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 4, 2014 will maintain low density development, minimize urban infrastructure, protect sensitive resources, maintain and enhance the pedestrian and equestrian trail system, and preserve the archeological, historical, agricultural, equestrian, cultural, and geologic features that are unique to Agua Dulce.  A special thanks to Supervisor Antonovich for supporting the community's intent to strengthen the standards to maintain our distinctive rural character.  The community of Agua Dulce has been working on the revisions for many years, and the Agua Dulce Town Council is proud the new standards are finally in place for protection and preservation of our distinctive lifestyle.


On May 22, 2012, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the recommendation of the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) to amend the County Code to update the Agua Dulce CSD as reflected in the draft ordinance and incorporate the requests of the Agua Dulce Town Council into the CSD and instructed County Counsel to prepare an ordinance amending the County Code as recommended by the RPC.  

Click HERE to view the Motion by Supervisor Antonovich incorporating the additional requests by the Agua Dulce Town Council.

Click HERE to view the Statement of Proceedings of May 22, 2012 relating to the update.

Click HERE to Download Current Draft Ordinance

Click HERE to see all Project materials available on Los Angeles County Regional Planning website.

General description of proposal:

Project No. R2010-00446-(5) to update the current Agua Dulce Community Standards District, which is intended to help preserve the community character by addressing minimum lot size, residential and commercial development standards, street improvements, public trails, signage, the allowance of cargo shipping containers, the expansion of allowable home-based occupations, an increase in the number of dogs, and significant ridgeline and hillside management protection. 

Special "THANKS" to CSD Revision Committee:

Co-chaired by Lorene Cangiano and Mary Johnson, with Lillian Smith, Rosie Heffley, Gary Hebdon, and Tana Lampton.  Former co-chairs:  Donna Saufley and Susan Tarr.