Hauled Water Costs can be Reimbursed!
Tue, Oct 15th, 2024
Purpose of Rural Water Supply Reliability Program:
Provide reimbursement to residents of Acton and Agua Dulce for money spent on hauled water from 10/2023-9/2024.
APPLICATION DUE 12/31/24: Rural Water Supply Reliability Participant Application Form: https://forms.gle/pEoFQNhu1kZauc6g8
How this program came to be:
Rural Water Supply Reliability (RWSR): Through the CA Department of Water Resources (DWR) WaterTalks program, it was identified that private wells were running dry in the unincorporated communities of Acton/Agua Dulce. Since this concern was elevated, TreePeople secured $500,000 in funding through DWR's Urban Multi-benefit and Drought Relief Program (UMDR). In this initiative, TreePeople will focus on serving private well owners in Acton and Agua Dulce who are experiencing dry wells or reduced well production. RWSR seeks to identify ways to support short-term water needs and identify long term solutions for water supply reliability.
Where does the funding for the program come from?
DWR's Urban Multi-benefit and Drought Relief Program (UMDR). https://water.ca.gov/.../Drou.../Urban-Multi-Benefit-Drought
*Applicant eligibility could be both residential properties with wells, and those owned and/or run by non-governmental, non-profit entities (i.e. private schools, clubs etc. in Acton/Agua Dulce).
Please reach out to Amanda Begley abegley@treepeople.org with any questions.