agua dulce agua dulce town council agua dulce town council

2025 Town Council Members

President: Don Henry
Secretary: Mary Johnson
Treasurer: Chris Yewdall
Clerk:  Kathryn Segura
Member: Scott Keller
Member: Cliff Grimes

Town Council members can be contacted by email at


Hauled Water Costs can be Reimbursed!
Oct 15th, 2024
Rural Water Supply Reliability Program There's still time to apply to receive reimbursement for hauled water costs for private wells or to receive a storage tank. The deadline to submit the application for the first round of funding is December 31st 2024. read more

2025 Meeting Format
Dec 12th, 2024
In an effort to be most inclusive with meeting participation, the Council will continue with virtual meetings and have an in-person/hybrid meeting twice a year. Virtual meetings will be via Zoom in Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Oct, and Nov. The in-person/hybrid meetings will be April and September and the location will be the Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce. The Council is dark in August for summer break. The December meeting is usually a non-business meeting/holiday celebration and is in person only at the Agua Dulce Women’s Club. Based on public participation at meetings, we may revisit and amend this schedule and format. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The Administrative Meeting starts at 6:30 P.M. The Community Meeting begins at 7:00 P.M. Both meetings are open to the public. 72 hours prior to the meeting, agendas are posted on our website and at Sweetwater Farms Community Bulletin Board at 33301 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce. All Council decisions are made in public during meetings. We invite you to attend and participate in the meetings. read more

CERT Training starts in Agua Dulce October 15, 2024
Oct 1st, 2024
CERT Training starts in Agua Dulce October 15, 2024 CERT Training in Agua Dulce! Community Emergency Response Team training starts Tuesday, October 15, 2024. You will most likely have to take care of yourself, your family, and your neighbors after an earthquake or other emergency. Do you know what to do? Learn from the experts on how to prepare and respond in the event of a major disaster. Classes will be Tuesdays from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Agua Dulce Women's Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd, Agua Dulce read more

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About Us

The Agua Dulce Town Council is a California nonprofit organization and exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Council relies on donations for its nominal operating expenses.

To send a donation to the Agua Dulce Town Council, send a check or money order made out to the Agua Dulce Town Council and send it to Agua Dulce Town Council, 33201 Agua Dulce Town Council, Box 8, Agua Dulce, CA 91390

The Purpose of the Agua Dulce Town Council, per its Charter, is:

  1. To serve as a common meeting place for the free expression of all views
    and for the coming together of diverse opinions into a consensus
  2. To discuss issues concerning Agua Dulce, to invite participation by the
    public, civic, and private organizations
  3. To serve as Agua Dulce's representatives and to speak on behalf of the community
  4. To review public and private proposals that may affect the community
  5. To neither support nor oppose any political party or candidate

The Agua Dulce Town Council consists of seven members voted upon by the community of Agua Dulce to act as representatives of the community with local, County, State, and Federal offices.
It is vital to the community of Agua Dulce and the wonderful rural lifestyle we enjoy here that the community stay active and participate with their Town Council.

The Council has established the meeting format for 2025.  In an effort to be more inclusive with meeting participation, the Council will continue with virtual meetings and have an in-person/hybrid meeting twice a year.    Virtual meetings will be via Zoom in Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Oct, and Nov. Those in-person/hybrid meetings will be in April and September and the location will be the Agua Dulce Women’s Club, 33201 Agua Dulce Canyon Road, Agua Dulce.  The Council is dark in August for summer break.   The December meeting is usually a non-business meeting/holiday celebration and is in person only at the Agua Dulce Women’s Club.  Based on public participation at meetings, we may revisit and amend this schedule and format.  Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month.  Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month.  The Administrative Meeting starts at 6:30 P.M. The Community Meeting begins at 7:00 P.M.  Both meetings are open to the public.

Meetings the 2nd Wednesday of the month
6:30PM Administrative Meeting
7:00PM Community Meetingv
Via Zoom:  Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, July, Oct, Nov. Zoom link on website
In Person/Hybrid:  at Agua Dulce Women's Club and via Zoom:  April, Sept 
Council is dark in August-No Meeting
 December is In-Person ONLY
The public is always welcome to attend.

Agenda Item Request

Individuals and groups may request that the Town Council place specific issues on the agenda of a future meeting. An agenda request form is available. Click here to download the Agenda Item Request Form.